中華黑枸杞研究所,王智。我們研究所培育的黑枸杞當年種植當年結果當年見效益。4-5年畝產800斤,每年每畝收益10萬元,中國家,中華黑枸杞是中國果黑枸杞。黑枸杞根系發(fā)達,生長力旺盛,適應性很廣,山區(qū)、沙漠、沿海、高原等中國廣大地區(qū)都可種植。中華黑枸杞研究所擁有固定資金1000萬元,技術人員37人,干部職工共計280人??蒲谢?000畝??蒲兴鶎嶒炇乙惶帯8呖萍加绱笈?0個,年育苗能力株。黑果枸杞( L. ruthenicum Murr),適合深度鹽堿和沙漠土壤。中華黑枸杞是農民致富的好幫手,是大力發(fā)展的優(yōu)質品種。中華黑枸杞可用海水澆灌。被授予鹽堿地和沙漠美譽。黑果枸杞,是鹽堿地和沙漠土地的優(yōu)良先鋒樹種。一,中國大部分地區(qū)都能種植。因此,保護和擴大該樹種資源對該地區(qū)生態(tài)環(huán)境建設和生物多樣性保護而言,具有十分重要的意義。黑枸杞對土壤的適應性極強,在酸堿性土壤和貧瘠的土地都能生長旺盛。二,黑枸杞是我國重要的特種經濟植物資源之一,具備生態(tài)、經濟、社會三位一體的顯著效益和藥食同源型滋補功能,黑枸杞果實產品由原來單一的藥品向現在的保健食品、飲品、美容化妝品等領域迅速擴展,高科技保健系列產品枸杞茶、枸杞汁、枸杞晶、枸杞、枸杞膠囊、枸杞口服液等相繼問世。三,近年來,人們逐漸升溫的崇尚黑色食品的浪潮中,發(fā)展黑果枸杞產業(yè),開發(fā)其產品具有很大潛力。四,黑枸杞功效;黑枸杞中花青素的發(fā)現為全世界的人找到了抗氧化抗衰老的簡單有效的辦法。黑枸杞的功效:黑枸杞中花青素的發(fā)現為全世界的人找到了抗氧化抗衰老的簡單有效的辦法。 功效:1、預防多種與自由基有關的疾病,包括癌癥、病、過早衰老和關節(jié)炎;2、能減少病和中風的發(fā)生;3、增強免疫系統(tǒng)能力抵御致癌物質;4、降低感冒的次數和縮短持續(xù)時間;5、預防包括關節(jié)炎和腫脹在內的炎癥;6、增強動脈、靜脈和彈性,高血壓(功效),并且能有效預防阿爾茨海默氏病;7、花青素還具有抗輻射的作用。
中華黑枸杞研究所;出售以下產品;黑枸杞價格;果實一公斤2000元。黑枸杞苗木價格幼苗5元每株,小苗15元一株,一年生30元一株。二年生50元一株 。
中華黑枸杞研究所,王智 ,
The black Chinese wolfberry seedings is on sold. The black Chinese wolfberry bring riches with incoming 100,000 yuan per mu .
The institute of Lycium Ruthenicum of the Chinese Academy Of Sciences has 5 million yuan in fixed assets , all kinds of technical personnel 37 people, employees a total of 280 people,scientific research base 70 hectares, a Scientific research laboratory,high-tech seedling shed 30 and the annual output of seedling ability up to 100,000,000 plants. The technology of fruiting at the same year of seeding for the black wolfberry is initiated by the institute of Lycium Ruthenicum of the Chinese Academy Of Sciences.
Lycium Ruthenicum, the Latin name for Chinese Black wolfberry, which was awarded the king of the saline-alkali land plants and the king of the desert crops,suitable for deep saline and desert and mountains, soil available water of the sea water,is a excellent shrub growing in saline-alkali land and desert land and can grow in most parts of China.
The black wolfberry has special efficacy compared with normal wolfberry because it is anthocyanins-rich fruit.Anthocyanins is the most simple and effective way of antioxidant&anti-aging for people all over the world. Anthocyanins can prevent a variety of diseases associated with free radicals, including cancer, heart disease, premature senility and arthritis. Anthocyanins reduce the occurrence of heart disease and stroke. It can also strengthen the immune system to resist cancer-causing substances.
Black wolfberry is the advanced varieties to enrich farmers and to seed in Desert and Coastal saline-alkali land.As a result, black wolfberry planting gets The government development promotion. Black wolfberry can grow well in general land and is about 2000 yuan per kilogram of market price .Therefor black wolfberry is called the get-rich tree for farmers. At t